ADHD Life Coach - ADHD coaching - ADHD Help, Support & Therapy - ADHD Management
ADHD Coaching
ADHD or ADD (which are both in my opinion unhelpful terms so I won’t even expand the acronyms!)) mean something different to each person affected – we are all unique. For many, it can cause executive functioning challenges related to planning, prioritisation, routine building, working memory, and emotional regulation. It can affect people in their professional and personal lives and, if dismissed, misunderstood or unsupported, it can impact self-esteem and cause difficulties in day-to-day life and relationships. However, there are so many ways that a skilled ADHD coach can help you to counterbalance the challenges and put together a toolkit of resources you can reach for when you need them.
ADHD coaching is not a one size fits all process. It’s about being curious, working together, building trust, sharing different ideas, psychoeducation and skills support. It’s about empowering the coachee to understand and accept themselves, adopt new habits, take action, and make meaningful changes.
Price For ADHD Coaching Services:
£65 per hour (first session £33)
The sessions are ‘pay as you go’. The exact content and spacing of the sessions will be agreed upon with you depending on individual circumstances.
Personalized ADHD Help, Support & Therapy
Every person with ADHD who I have worked with has been creative, emotionally intelligent and extremely capable. My job is to help you be the best version of yourself while protecting your emotional and physical health.
Some of my clients have other forms of neurodivergence as well as ADHD e.g. Autism, which I welcome. I work with diverse adults from all backgrounds. During our coaching sessions, we develop an individualised and creative paradigm of the techniques, support and systems you can use to survive and thrive.